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24-pack GOOD TRIP Mikan Pale Ale

Mikan Pale Ale / abv 4.5%


The hero:

The stage lights up in their presence. GOOD TRIP, the magical troop of mushrooms, is dedicated to spreading positive energy to those around them. Over the past 6969 years, they've thrived on the sounds of laughter echoing through planet Earth. It continually perplexes them why humans spend so little time in joy, especially when everyone practically comes to and leaves life happily.


In 2007, they established a colony in Hong Kong, discovering a community under unprecedented levels of stress. Amidst the constant echoes of frustration surrounding them, their mission became clear: to inoculate this city with their magical happy spores for the remainder of their time on Earth. To help people turn bad days into good trips.   


In real life, GOOD TRIP is a punk pop band who's been spreading the positive energy to their audience since 2007. When their ceiling gets blown away, when their instrument gets burned down, and when their band wagon gets a flat tire, they'll just take a break, have a good laugh, and get up again. Their unwavering resolve to turn setbacks into memorable adventures serves as the beacon of our inspiration.


Infusing this Pale Ale with their boundless optimism, GOOD TRIP harnesses the essence of Mikan and dank hops from the new world. These clandestine ingredients refreshing sunshine and a laid-back vibe,ensuring each sip ends with a good trip.


魔法磨菇軍團GOOD TRIP每次一上台就能量爆燈,光芒四射。6969年嚟,佢哋習慣喺地球到處迴響嘅笑聲中茁壯成長,唯獨人類呢種奇怪嘅生物成日令佢哋R爆頭 - 明明差不多每個人無論最初嚟到定最後離開世上嘅時候都係開開心心冇煩惱,點解硬係要成日愁眉苦面?


2007年,佢哋發現香港社會上壓力指數爆晒錶,就喺呢度建立咗一個據點。喺呢個充滿無力感嘅地方,佢哋決定用自身散發嘅魔法孢子,幫大家將壞日子變成Good Trips。


現實中嘅GOOD TRIP係一隊Punk Pop Band,由2007年成立以嚟已經不停為觀眾帶嚟力量。就算佢哋Band房火燭,木地板爛咗,甚至俾十號風球吹走成個天花板,佢哋都只會一笑置之,重新開始。佢哋將挫折轉化成一場場冒險嘅精神,係我哋主要嘅創作靈感。


借用佢哋充滿感染力嘅樂觀精神,hEROES以蜜柑同新世界啤酒花,為呢款Pale Ale注入清新陽光氣息同悠閒嘅氛圍,確保每一啖都會帶嚟一個Good Trip。


The beer:

Starts with citrusy aromas of Mikan zests and tropical fruits like lychee, mangos.
The aroma continues with a subtle “dankness” from the hops that adds complexity. A straightforward malt profile with biscuits and light crackers just enough to balance the soft bitterness.
Effervescent on the palate and finishes dry making it a very crushable pale ale that you can drink all day long at music festivals.


豐富嘅氣泡感同乾爽嘅收結,令Good Trip成為你喺音樂節飲足全日欲罷不能嘅啤酒。

24-pack GOOD TRIP Mikan Pale Ale

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