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6-pack SI L DAN IPA

IPA / ABV 6.7%

Silver medal winner at HKIWSC 2021
Silver medal winner at the AIBA 2019 Best Beer in Hong Kong 2019


HK Brewcraft is the imperative boot camp for all Heroes in town. They're known for their great selection of fascinating Heroes weapons, fresh ammunitions and potent rations.


When Albert went over to help plan HK Brewcraft's 5th birthday party with his Brew Crew buddies, he accidentally knocked over a few cartons of mysterious Heroes gunpowder into their anniversary brew. Just as Albert was about to crap his pants, the Brew Crew gave him a pat on his back saying 'Atta-boy! That's the secret sauce we need for our famous Si "L" Dan IPA!'

HK Brewcraft 係每個英雄都必須經歷嘅訓練營,營內充滿各式各樣威力強勁嘅武器彈藥同埋英雄補給品。 當Albert去到HK Brewcraft同Brew Crew一齊搞五週年party嘅時候,佢一時跣手將幾盒英雄彈藥全部倒晒落人哋精心打造嘅週年紀念啤酒裡面。Albert心諗大鑊,嚇到就嚟失禁,點知Brew Crew拍拍佢膊頭話:「Good job!呢個正正就係我哋名物「是L但IPA」嘅秘方!」


The Beer: 

Si L Dan IPA is a collaboration with homebrewer's heaven HK Brewcraftin celebration of their 5th Anniversary. Making use of the spontaneous hopping "technique", this American I.5PA will give you a little extra fruity kick from not-sure-which hops.


6-pack SI L DAN IPA

  • Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2021

    Australian International Beer Awards 2019
    SILVER MEDAL Best Beer in Hong Kong 2019

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