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6-pack HUNK SIR Milffee Porter

Lactose Coffee Porter / ABV 5.8%

Gold award winner at HKIWSC 2021

Silver medal winner at AIBA 2017

The Hero:

After years of unrelenting boozy experiments on the brew roof, mad scientist Hunk Sir finally produced this secret peacemaker potion which can turn the worst enemies into friends.


長年累月進行過無數醉醺醺的天台實驗後,瘋狂科學家Hunk Sir終於研製出最強「和事佬」藥水,藥力足以令勢同水火的死對頭化敵為友。Hunk Sir利用自己的研究,將牛奶咖啡及黑啤變成最好的朋友,造就了這款Milffee Porter的誕生。


The Beer:

This lactose coffee porter is a result of Hunk Sir’s work - turning coffee and porter into best friends.Based on the traditional English Oatmeal Porter, the dark chocolate and nutty aroma blends perfectly with espresso blend coffee. The addition of lactose (playing the role of condensed milk in 啡走) smooths up the body to produce this silky and aromatic Milffee Porter.


啡走加黑啤,係香港同英國文化融合嘅結晶。 以傳統英式黑啤Porter為本,帶黑朱古力香氣,配以espresso blend咖啡,兩者互相襯托,完美結合。 另外加入擔當「煉奶」角色嘅乳糖,令啤酒變得順滑而帶微甜,整體更平衡。

6-pack HUNK SIR Milffee Porter

  • Hong Kong International Wine & Spirit Competition 2021

    Australian International Beer Awards 2019

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